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HS TFTP .NET Class Library 1.1

HS TFTP .NET Class Library 1.1

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HS TFTP .NET Class Library Publisher's Description

HS TFTP .NET class library is a .NET component which implements TFTP server and client functionality over UDP socket layer according to RFC 1350 (Trivial File Transfer Protocol). HS TFTP .NET is designed for use from Visual C# .NET (C Sharp). The use of HS TFTP .NET class library is royalty free.* TFTP server and client * Defaults to 100 concurrent sessions * 512 packet size * TFTP File upload * TFTP File download *
supports selection of local ip address to use from a list of detected local ip addresses

HS TFTP .NET class library internally consists of upper layer interface class DLL - HsTftpDllCs.dll, core TFTP DLL - HsTftpDll.Dll, TFTP protocol module - HsTftp and Socket interface module HsSock

HS TFTP .NET Class Library has been designed to provide simple and convenient way for calling applications to run TFTP server mode and client mode file transfers. All file handling, timer related and protocol related activity is hidden inside the class library

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What's New in Version 1.1 of HS TFTP .NET Class Library

Major update

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